Join Matrox at InfoComm 2016 (Las Vegas, June 8–10, booth N2047) and see the multi-award winning new Matrox Monarch™ LCS lecture capture appliance in action.
Monarch LCS is an affordable, standalone network appliance that IT administrators will find simple to set up and integrate into video management systems (VMS) and learning management systems (LMS). Featuring two inputs, this reliable H.264 encoder has the ability to simultaneously capture high-resolution computer presentations and live HD video from SDI and HDMI sources for streaming and recording.
Plus, Matrox Graphics Inc. will showcase a series of interactive demonstrations featuring Mura™ IPX Series 4K capture and IP encoder & decoder cards,
C-Series™ multi-display graphics cards, Maevex™ AV-over-IP encoders/decoders and Mura MPX video wall controller cards.
Register With Code MAT424 @
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