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Forum>Software>MacOS Finder when slecting file in browser

MacOS Finder when slecting file in browser

Hi all,
I am used to Windows and missed some options in the Finder when I changed to MacOS.
1) selecting several files using "shift" and selecting first and last file in folder view
[solved] by installing XtraFinder
2) folder icons include small thumbnails of containing files
[solved] by installing "Add folder icons" app
3) having a slider to change size of icons
[solved] by activating "status bar" in finder

All the above solutions work great and flawlessly. However, when Finder is opened via a webpage (when selecting files e.g.), the functions are very limited and none of the mentioned solutions work.

Any suggestions / solutions to get full functionality of Finder when it is opened via Firefox?


In Finder:
1) not needed, works out of the box. Select first file and use to select last file - all files (and folders) get selected. If you want to select or deselect non-consecutive files you can use
3) In Symbol View of Finder you can use -J to change the size of the symbols for the current window in List or Column view, the size of the icon changes with the font size (also using -J to adjust settings). For Gallery view it is simply not needed - the selected file is shown above.

Leaves only 2) behind - for me it would not be useful.

When Firefox (or the webpage) allows to select files (eg. for uploading them) you can use or respectively - or simply use Safari I just tried it with a NextCloud instance and Safari (where using only selects files and skips folders)
Asking myself, why don't asking BEFORE installing different applications for stuff that the Finder already can handle?
but also why not trying for himself. At least topic 1 is exactly as in windows for example…
So I guess my post was a bit confusing.
Nr. 1) - 3) I already solved myself via google etc, it is just the last point that I am asking.

1) no, it does not work out of the box. It does in the list view, but NOT in icon view. XtraFinder, an addon for Finder, provides that function
2) super useful for me, but again, I solved that myself, just shared the solution in case anyone else is looking for it.
3) I know there is the shortcut, I just prefer the slider at the bottom.

So I did not have to ask BEFORE installing the apps, because they already work great for me.

What does NOT work, is the implementation of them when I want to select files for uploading. The Finder window that opens up is very limited. It is for example not possible to change the icon size, neither via slidebar (not there), nor via shortcut.
P.S.: Safari, Firefox, doesnt matter
Mit Folder View meint er die Symboldarstellung. Und damit gibt es ohne extra keinen anderen Weg als einen Kasten zu ziehen. Einfach erste und letzte Datei mit shift anklicken selektiert nur die zwei angeklickten.

Und im Öffnen Dialog (den meint er mit "opening Finder via a webpage") funktionieren die Extras nicht. Safari nutzt den selben Öffnen Dialog wie Firefox, das hilft ihm also auch nicht.
„Das Schöne an der KI ist, dass wir endlich einen Weg gefunden haben, wie die Wirtschaft weiter wachsen kann, nachdem sie jeden Einzelnen von uns getötet hat.“
Mit Folder View meint er die Symboldarstellung. Und damit gibt es ohne extra keinen anderen Weg als einen Kasten zu ziehen. Einfach erste und letzte Datei mit shift anklicken selektiert nur die zwei angeklickten.

Und im Öffnen Dialog (den meint er mit "opening Finder via a webpage") funktionieren die Extras nicht. Safari nutzt den selben Öffnen Dialog wie Firefox, das hilft ihm also auch nicht.

Thanks, exactly.
This doesn't solve the problem with your particular style of selecting a range of files, but perhaps it can be an alternative. I like to use the finder in column view. There, selecting a range works fine with Shift. If I really need to see a what I'm selecting, I can always click on the first file of the range, which will give me a preview on right side. I then hold Shift and move down the list with the down arrow key. That shows each new file added to the selection in the preview area. If I overshoot, I can reduce the selection range by using the up arrow. This also works in the open/upload file interface.
That's my two cents, and welcome to the forum!
Thanks, shift-selecting and folder-icons that include thumbnails of the content has been solved by "xtrafinder" and "add folder icons".

Mainly I am missing the slidebar for the size of the icons in the upload file interface (Öffnen Dialog)
When I upload, I mostly/always have already a finder window open with the files I need. I can just drag a file into the upload window, or a folder, or some selected files. They are chosen then automatically.
This way I am always sure to have the right ones, must not find the right folder again (if it's not the last again).
Thanks, shift-selecting and folder-icons that include thumbnails of the content has been solved by "xtrafinder" and "add folder icons".
But not in open/save dialogs, right? There, r.breiner's approach may well be a useful workaround.

That's precisely what I'd recommend to everyone who's unsatisfied with the "reduced" nature of macOS open/save dialogs.
Well, the easiest way to select all files in a folder is by using -A - regardless of the selected view. In column view it may just happen, that by accident (when the surrounding folder is selected and not one of the files in the folder) that you select all the items one level above.

About the slider - well, are you somehow visually impaired? Changing the icon size all the time would make me crazy and usually I know, what is inside a folder - in worst case I use to get to quickview.

Any app has to tell the OS, what kind of files you can select in Open/Save dialogs and if you can open multiple files or only a single one. As said - I tried with a NextCloud instance I got an account at, and there it was no problem to select multiple files in the open dialog. So when this is not available in the browser, it does not offer it - and I assume, that the webpage gives directions, wether you can upload a single file or multiple files. Forms often only allow to select a single file for upload.

And well - I never use symbol view, always column view - it is simply more convenient for me. The size of the icons do not matter to me. In most cases even generic icons would work for me.
Oh dear.
Well, the easiest way to select all files in a folder is by using -A - regardless of the selected view. In column view it may just happen, that by accident (when the surrounding folder is selected and not one of the files in the folder) that you select all the items one level above.
I never asked about selecting all files.
About the slider - well, are you somehow visually impaired? Changing the icon size all the time would make me crazy and usually I know, what is inside a folder - in worst case I use to get to quickview.
The question is not why I need the slider, but how to activate it in the open dialogue.
Any app has to tell the OS, what kind of files you can select in Open/Save dialogs and if you can open multiple files or only a single one. As said - I tried with a NextCloud instance I got an account at, and there it was no problem to select multiple files in the open dialog. So when this is not available in the browser, it does not offer it - and I assume, that the webpage gives directions, wether you can upload a single file or multiple files. Forms often only allow to select a single file for upload.
Again, that wasnt the question
And well - I never use symbol view, always column view - it is simply more convenient for me. The size of the icons do not matter to me. In most cases even generic icons would work for me.

Thanks to all who gave productive thoughts. hypophora's way to use drag/drop instead of the open dialogue works great, almost too easy


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