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Forum>Software>RCS Galileo - Wie viel Film ist noch Film ?

RCS Galileo - Wie viel Film ist noch Film ?

Dom Juan25.06.1413:21
"Today, researchers from Kaspersky and Citizen Lab published research on a new type of malware designed to give police complete access to a suspect's phone. The tool, dubbed Remote Control System (or RCS), can be implanted physically through a USB or SD card, or remotely through an infected link or network traffic injection. Once the phone is infected, police can use it to monitor a user's location, record ambient audio through the microphone, or even hijack the phone's camera to take spontaneous photographs. The malware works best on Android devices, but can also be installed on iOS if a device has been jailbroken."
Die Software ist an verschiedene Staaten verkauft worden.

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