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Forum>Off-Topic>Stormtroopers got their arses kicked by Ewoks

Stormtroopers got their arses kicked by Ewoks

Passend zur Jahreszeit und dem Wetter - *lachtränenausdenaugenwisch*:
Swarming kids are no goddamn joke, man. So - true story. And yes it's relevant.

In the U.S. Marines, doing a mock war in the Norwegian city of Trondheim with the Dutch, Germans and other allies, training in urban combat. My infantry unit was positioned in a large soccer field next to an elementary school. Keep in mind there was no actual combat, even simulated; it was mostly just practicing maneuvers and tactics. But we still looked out of place with weapons and gear, etc. It's fucking February. In Norway. Cold as balls. Snow up to our knees. Norway obviously has no snow days, so the kids were all in school.
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