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Forum>Software>Was sind das für Ordner?

Was sind das für Ordner?

Was sind das für Ordner?


/Users/Shared/SC Info


Marcel Molin
Marcel Molin19.04.1503:55
Was sind das für Ordner?


/Users/Shared/SC Info

zu2. I found a hidden "SC Info" folder that directly links to the iTunes authorization mechanism. I deleted the folder and iTunes prompted me to enter my authorization information again, and then the folder was there again.
zu 1. It is used by the Mac App Store and the new iBooks app

gefunden im Netz
Marcel Molin
Marcel Molin19.04.1509:17
schau mal hier: http://www.mactechnews.de/forum/discussion/Problem-mit-iTunes-Store-nach-Migration-zu-neuem-Mac-295452.html
und hier : http://www.yaitb.de/2014/11/itunes-fehlermeldung-beim-laden-von-ist-ein-problem-aufgetreten-ein-unbekannter-fehler-ist-aufgetreten-45054/
It is used by the Mac App Store and the new iBooks app
Quelle: galvanist.com: /Users/Shared/adi

/Users/Shared/SC Info
Wikipedia, FairPlay
iTunes configuration files that are in "/Users/Shared/SC Info". In Mac OS X, the key to decrypt these config files is an obfuscated version of the MAC address of one's computer. In Windows, an amalgamation of hard drive volume information and registry keys are used instead of the MAC address. The initialization variable for this decryption is a hard coded constant. The program then decrypts the keys in the config files as well as the private atoms in the audio/video files and creates unencrypted versions.
Quelle: Wikipedia (en): FairPlay (Apple DRM),


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