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Galerie>Kurioses>Bluescreen ^^

"Bluescreen ^^" von iKev

Bluescreen ^^



According to reports, a single computer crash yesterday in the Customs office of LAX caused hours of delays for more than 17,000 airline passengers. US Customs officials say that a malfunctioning network card on a single desktop created a "domino" effect with its other computers, leading to a total system failure that caused massive wait times. According to a Customs spokesman, "We lost access to our national systems, as well as our local area network." He went on the claim that it took over ten hours to diagnose the problem, halting screening operations and leaving passengers stranded on planes or in the airport -- unable to enter or leave the US. From the sounds of it, Customs need to hire a handful of Engadget readers, who we're pretty sure could have located the source of the problem in considerably less time.


Ewingg16.08.07 19:11
Unverschämt gutes Foto!
Selbst geschossen?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Ente?
_mäuschen16.08.07 19:38

Die hat auf der Arbeit viel zu viel Musik gerippt

cmaus@mac.com16.08.07 19:42
Das ist aber noch ein BlueScreenOD von Win9x *mitdemFingerzeig*
Wolle16.08.07 20:23
sieht gephotoshoped aus
evilalex16.08.07 20:24
so mies wie der airport is wundert mich das gar nicht.


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