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Galerie>Kurioses>"Car-L" meets the lions

""Car-L" meets the lions" von IceHouse

"Car-L" meets the lions


"Car L" meets the lions. The remote controlled 4x4 camera buggy gets up close and personal as it is stalked by this curious pride of lions in Botswana. ** WATCH TO THE VERY END TO SEE THE STILL IMAGES FROM CAR-L. The "Car L" project was hatched by Chris McLennan and engineered by Carl Hansen to capture unique images of lions with a Nikon D800E, fired remotely by Chris McLennan using a trigger system built into the remote control unit. Made possible by HP and Nikon New Zealand. ADDITIONAL INFO: This was filmed in the wild in Botswana. No lions were harmed in the making of this film. "Car-L" survived his injuries and is ready for his next adventure!

„Ich fotografiere, um herauszufinden, wie etwas aussieht, wenn es fotografiert wurde. - Gary Winogrand“


TFMail100030.11.13 22:13
ich hab ähnliches mit meinen Katzen versucht, aber Löwen sind allein schon wegen ihrer Größe tatsächlich einfacher zu fokussieren.

Dennoch tolle Bilder
May the force be with you
IceHouse30.11.13 22:14
...und weil es gerade so viel Spass gemacht hat...

Ich fotografiere, um herauszufinden, wie etwas aussieht, wenn es fotografiert wurde. - Gary Winogrand
ExMacRabbitPro01.12.13 00:08
torfdin01.12.13 01:48
Schon interessant, was dieser Planet zu bieten hat.
immer locker bleiben - sag' ich, immer locker bleiben [Fanta 4]


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