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"In diesem Moment..." von sockpuppet

In diesem Moment...


taucht er ab in den Marianen Graben!

James Cameron auf dem Weg ins Unerforschte!

Good Luck und komm wieder heil hoch.


sonorman25.03.12 23:45
Fantastisch. Der Mann macht wenigstens was mit seinem vielen Geld.
sockpuppet26.03.12 00:00
Find ich auch!
Vor allem hat er echt Ahnung von dem, was er anpackt!
Er ist keiner von denen, die mit Geld prassen und nur heisse Luft von sich geben.
dynax7426.03.12 00:06
Heute am Sonntag den 25.3. um 23:59 Uhr twitterte er:

"Just arrived at the ocean's deepest pt. Hitting bottom never felt so good. Can't wait to share what I'm seeing w/ you @DeepChallenge"
sockpuppet26.03.12 00:06
Er ist unten

"...the first person in history to solo dive to the deepest place on Earth, a record 35,756ft/10,898m"
sockpuppet26.03.12 00:26
RED EPIC mit an Board

When filming, the pilot will share the pilot sphere with three cameras. The largest is a Red Epic, which will capture IMAX-quality, “5K-raw” images and will be mounted directly in front of the small viewport on the sphere’s hatch. That window—which from the inside is only about the size of a fist and is just below the pilot’s knees—will be awkward for pilots Cameron or Allum to look through on their own. But the window is cone-shaped and is much larger on the side that faces the ocean’s pressure. The curvature of the window also corrects for the 30-percent magnification that water causes. With the camera attached and its image projected onto a high-definition screen at the pilot’s eye level, he’ll get a wide view of his surroundings through this “virtual viewport.”

Inside the sphere, two tiny HD cameras (two are needed to create 3-D video) will also film the pilot himself. Because these cameras will record his “dive log,” they will also help the team understand the context of the footage that the other cameras are gathering at the same time. The sub’s external cameras, the minicams, are tiny HD cameras built specially for this project from the sensor level up and housed in proprietary titanium housings. Enclosed in their titanium pressure housings, these HD cameras are smaller than a soda can. Two of them side by side can create 3-D, as with the cameras on the end of the 6.6-foot (2-meter) camera boom. Another two are side by side on the wrist of the manipulator arm, but in this case one has a wide-angle lens and the other a macro lens for imaging small animals up close, so that they’re both working as separate 2-D cameras. Another single minicam will be carried by the “bot,” a small remotely operated vehicle that the pilot can command from inside the sub.
looser26.03.12 01:04
© looser@macbay.de
Laphroaig26.03.12 06:21
void26.03.12 09:46
Developer of the Day 11. Februar 2013
darkdickfire26.03.12 09:56
T0mm126.03.12 14:42
Pastaman27.03.12 20:09

Na, die sind das ganze ja etwas realistischer angegangen als der Kollege Branson...

wenn ich recht informiert bin, tauchen die noch im Flachwasser an der Leine


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