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Galerie>Screenshots>Nett ! Doktor Kleanor

"Nett ! Doktor Kleanor" von ThomasR.

Nett ! Doktor Kleanor


So macht sogar mir das Terminal Spass

Doktor Kleanor

Doktor Kleanor for Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" is radically different from the previous versions and from other existing system maintenance utilities.
The AppleScript Studio + Cocoa interface of Doktor Kleanor 10.2 has been replaced by an interactive dialogue between the Doktor Kleanor and the user.
What is original here is that the Doktor offers a list of problems it can fix (e.g "Safari is slow", "Mac Help quits unexpectedly"), rather than a list of repair functions (e.g. "Clear the caches", "Delete preference file x"), thus guiding users to a quick solution to their Mac's problems.
In addition, the code is "100% Unix" (it's a shell script), which grants a high execution speed.
This new application automatically executes the required commands to fix the various common Mac OS X problems reported by the readers of MacFixIt, MacOS X Hints, xlr8yourmac and other Mac sites.


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