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Galerie>Sonstiges>The ISS Image Frontier

"The ISS Image Frontier" von IceHouse

Dieses Bild ist eine Antwort auf das Galeriebild mit dem Titel The Day the Earth Smiled


"Making the invisible visible"
This is a NEW, 25 Minute Version of "The Image Frontier - Making the Invisible Visible", with previously unseen footage and lots of new scenes

A tribute to the International Space Station Program as well as Dr. Don Pettit, NASA Astronaut and ISS Astrophotographer, "Making the Invisible Visible" explores and celebrates the Art and challenges of Astrophotography orbiting earth Day and Night on board of the International Space Station. Don Pettit's innovative photographic work, and his passion for low light photography, has definitely changed the way we see earth from space. Accompanied with great background info on the challenges, techniques and motives of astrophotography aboard the ISS by Don's famous "Luminance" speech, previously unseen footage by Astronaut weaves a compilation of 4 special ISS timelapses ("intro", "startrails", "fisheye" and "aurorae") into a captivating visual experience.

Welcome aboard the ISS - enjoy stunning photography, videos and timelapses from the Space Station!
„Ich fotografiere, um herauszufinden, wie etwas aussieht, wenn es fotografiert wurde. - Gary Winogrand“


MacRudi15.11.13 15:40
Wow, danke für den Link!
Flaming_Moe15.11.13 17:27
seeeeehr cool!
MacThommes15.11.13 20:37
Wollte eigentlich nur mal in den Film reinschauen, aber bin bis zum Ende hängen geblieben.
Traumhaft schön. Danke für den Link....
Man hat´s nicht leicht, aber leicht hat´s einen....
GodChilla16.11.13 07:15


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